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Re: "Academic qualification" classification

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: "Academic qualification" classification
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:31:05 +0000
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.2 01/07/07

Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
> Is it possible to have a common "Academic qualification" classification to 
> all 
> countries around the world?  Is it difficult to translate it?

It should be possible, as people use them internationally, but some of
the timespans may be different.

> My personal English-classification-proposal was, from lower to higher:
>   1. Undergraduate
>      He is studying yet at the University.

s/is studying yet/has enrolled/

>   2. Graduate
>      He has finished 3 years of University and get a diploma.

s/3/3 or 4/
s/diploma/first degree or equivalent/
(Diplomas can be awarded in pre-18 education even.)

>   3. Postgraduate
>      He has finished 5/6 years of University and get a diploma.

No, not at all.  He has studied at a level requiring "Graduate" qualification.

>   4. Doctoral
>      He has finished 5/6 years of University and got his diploma. However


>      he get into a investigation group and finish his investigation
>      thesis and get another diploma.

This sounds suspiciously European and maybe more like what we call
Postdoctoral, a level beyond Doctoral.

Hope that helps,
MJ Ray tel:+44-844-4437-237 -
Webmaster-developer, statistician, sysadmin, online shop builder,
consumer and workers co-operative member -
Writing on koha, debian, sat TV, Kewstoke

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