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Re: Coreboot vs Libreboot - GNU: Please use Coreboot without the blobs (

From: gameonlinux
Subject: Re: Coreboot vs Libreboot - GNU: Please use Coreboot without the blobs (compile time option). - CoreBoot Dev weighed in.
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 17:15:13 +0000
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.6

[A coreboot developer weighed in yesterday, on the technology section of the 4chan japanese artwork appreciation website, I am posting his opinion here for completeness sake]
( )

some nobody from a literally who country is using tranny software as a vehicle to rant about americans
I'm a white American that maintains a couple Coreboot ports. I've been saying this for years that the tranny does zero work and steals our code and rebrands it. This idea is nothing new. Furthermore, the costal sodomites and their "culture" are not representative of all Americans. They are a relatively new phenomenon that came out of the drug fueled baby boomer decadence of the 60s and 70s. These degenerates are relics of a bygone era and in the coming decades they will be stamped into the dirt by a conservative revolution that kicked off around 2010-2012.

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