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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Software patent - any action?

From: Chris Lale
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Software patent - any action?
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 15:50:44 +0000
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Alex McLintock wrote:

Looks good to me Chris. I assume you are granting permission for anyone to use this text? I'd like to use it on my website.

Yes, fine. But in the light of comments I shall be revising it. Please omit the first line since this appears not to be true. Chris Croughton wrote:
Where they often differ is in what you are allowed to do with that
source code.  Both give you the right to compile it into
executables and run it (it wouldn't be any use otherwise!), but OSS may
limit your right to pass on those executables or to charge for them.
Both generally also give you the right to modify the code and build
executables with the modified source, but they may differ on whether you
are allowed to pass those executables (or the modified source) on to
anyone else, whether you have to pass any modifications back to the
author/maintainer, whether you can distribute patches, etc.


|  ___   Chris Lale   <address@hidden>                  |
| /   \                                                           |
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| \      Robust, secure and free operating system + applications. |
|  `-                                                             |

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