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[Fsfe-uk] Competition?

From: Alex McLintock
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Competition?
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 12:51:26 +0000

Hi folks,

I am engaged in the dirty task of publicising my company and its services. I consider myself
to be an OSS specialist which is why I am discussing this here.

One of the things I find gets a decent response is a simple "Email me the answer to this question" competition. For incentive I usually give away a DVD or book... I get a lot of free review books through http://news.DIverseBooks.com and at the moment I am thinking about using "Red Hat Linux Internet Server by Paul G Sery, and Jay Beale, from Redhat Press"
as a competition prize.

(A reviewer looked over it and said....
a fine comprehensive book designed to take you by the hand and lead you around
the sometimes scary little back streets of Red Hat Linux Internet servers.
Beginning with the basic concepts, taking you through network configuration, and then huge chunks of info concerning security. A very useful book. Not for the complete beginner, or the faint hearted.)

The sort of question I may ask will be something along the lines of:

Which of these is NOT a free operating system?

a) FreeBSD
b) Linux
c) Microsoft Windows


So now comes the discussion points.....

Anyone want to help with publicising or running this? It could be turned into a fsfe-uk thing if you like.
(The only expense is the postage by the way)

Is the prize ok, or should I add more books to it?

Is the question ok? It isn't derogatory to Windows, but hopefully reminds people that it *isn't* free, just "bundled".

Any more suggestions?

Alex McLintock

Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby. Apache FOP, Cocoon,
Turbine, Struts,XSL:FO, XML, Tomcat, First meeting free.http://www.OWAL.co.uk/

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