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Re: [Enigma-devel] Status

From: Petr Machata
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Status
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 05:32:20 +0200
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Daniel Heck wrote:
Some things may have to change, though.  CVS has become a major
timekiller recently, which is probably our fault because Enigma has
grown so large.  But commiting changes takes forever over my humble
dialup conection, and that's time I would rather spend on the game
itself.  I have not decided on an alternative yet; I'm currently leaning
towards GNU arch.  An arch<->CVS gateway should be feasible although I
did not investigate this possibility so far.

Let me ask a question - how would using arch help you get faster access to cvs repository via modem? You have to commit to cvs sooner or later... I didn't get your point.

Or do you want to use another hosting, such as gna.org for arch hosting, or berlios.de for subversion? (I don't know about anyone else providing non-cvs repositories... am I the only one hating cvs??)

- Daniel


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