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Re: [External] : Re: Telemetry, opt-in, opt-out [was: Proposal: new defa

From: Madhu
Subject: Re: [External] : Re: Telemetry, opt-in, opt-out [was: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove]
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:58:07 +0530

* Drew Adams 
Wrote on Sun, 23 Jun 2024 21:12:34 +0000:
>> >> Opt-out collection of anonymous metrics has been an industry standard
>> >> for many years now.
>> > Whatever "industry standard" means. Industry standard is
>> > surveillance capitalism these days. Not something to strive
>> > for, not in free software's context, I think.
>> Yup, I'd be happy to see some kind of statistics-gathering system
>> included in Emacs if it can help us decide how to evolve the projects
>> and its default settings, but it definitely needs to be opt-in: Emacs
>> should never contact a host without the user "explicitly" requesting it
>> (there's some wiggle room about what "explicitly" can mean, admittedly,
>> but in terms of sending telemetry it's pretty clear to me that it needs
>> to be opt-in).
> It's also possible to just ask users - poll them,
> as RMS often suggests.
> Neither polls nor opt-in telemetry are without
> their limitations/problems, of course.  But the
> point is that, if and when Emacs dev wants to
> consider whether to add some default key bindings,
> it can help to get input from the wider user base.

But with telemetry there is data which can be passed-off as non-biased
and international investors can control the development of emacs based
on the numbers (backed by solid evidence)

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