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Re: Native compilation on Windows, was Re: Bootstrap Compilation Speed

From: Corwin Brust
Subject: Re: Native compilation on Windows, was Re: Bootstrap Compilation Speed
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 22:17:31 -0600

Thanks so much for testing Dieter!

On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 3:16 PM H. Dieter Wilhelm
<dieter@duenenhof-wilhelm.de> wrote:
> So you installed Doom-Emacs? ;-)


> Then I checked it with M-x list-packages and received the following
> *Messages*:
>   gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) GnuTLS library not found [4 times]
>   Package refresh done

I'm having trouble replicating this.  I see libgnutls-30.dll (and also
libgnutls-openssl-27.dll?) in both the -deps.zip and inside

Any thoughts on what could be up here?

> I don't know how important this is, though.  I'm wondering if we could
> automate such build testing with existing ert tests?
> Some more observations (no criticism).
> Signing: When I check the downloads gpg says:
>   Good signature. Warning: This key is not certified with a trusted
>   signature!

Hmm.  I've uploaded my key a few places (in addition to posting on
Savannah).  I can look for other places to publish it -- any

> Would it help, be appear more trustful, when I sign your key?

I don't think I quite understand this suggestion -- not a rejection.
Likely, you are wiser than I in the ways of GPG.

> Size: Your installer and emacs-28.0.91 builds are smaller than Phil's.
> I assume you didn't copy the source code?

I'm fairly sure the binary release packages have never included
source.  I suspect the size difference is accounted for by omitting
-static while compiling.

> Installation tree: I've seen that you skipped the x86_64 branch.

Can you elaborate?  Is this a difference between my prior versions and
the current, between what Philliip was producing and what I've been
making, or somehow .. both?

> > I hope someone with a working msys can confirm that this supports
> > native-compilation when msys+libgccjit is available.
> I'm sorry, forgot to check it on my MSYS machine, will do tomorrow.

Quite alright -- as I mentioned in the new thread[1] from today, I was
able to test the installing to a machine with a working msys (on path)
does enable native compilation to work, so I'm feeling a bit less
pressure on that score.  Don't get me wrong: I'll be very happy when
you are able to take a look.

> And now for something else: Would you expect it to be problematic when
> we build on Windows10 for Windows11 or vice versa?

No, I'm not expecting any differences between Windows 10 and Windows
11 that we'll notice WRT the packaging process we are using.   That's
not a super expert opinion, to be sure.  I can likely give the
installer a try under Windows 11 next week sometime.  I'll report back
directly in case of any supprises.

> Have a nice evening

And you!

[1] new thread, summary/TODOs:

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