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Re: dash.el [was: Re: Imports / inclusion of s.el into Emacs]

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: dash.el [was: Re: Imports / inclusion of s.el into Emacs]
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 17:42:44 +0300

> From: Richard Stallman <address@hidden>
> cc: address@hidden
> Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 23:49:39 -0400
> The reliable way to do that is to have two archives: one we say you
> can trust, and one that provides only a place to distribute them.
> Good names might be "GNU Emacs Exocore" for the ones we review, and
> "GNU ELPA" for those we don't.  I suggest "Exocore" as meaning "like
> the core, but hosted separately."
> Or maybe, GNU ELPA for the ones we review, and Alt-ELPA for what we don't.
> For now, let's call them reviewed and unreviewed.
> MAYBE it will work well if we get papers for the reviewed packages
> but not for the unreviewed.  Then the reviewed packages might be
> merged into the core, and the unreviewed are ones we don't consider
> moving into the core.  So if we think a package might be good to put
> in the core, we should review it AND get papers for it.
> Eli, do you think that makes sense?

I do, and a similar suggestion was mentioned here more than once in
the recent days (including by myself).  The question is, do we have a
wide enough consensus about such an arrangement?

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