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Re: Making Emacs more friendly to newcomers

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Making Emacs more friendly to newcomers
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 20:16:36 +0300
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On 22.04.2020 19:45, Stefan Monnier wrote:
1: VsCode offers on the home screen an option to click on what languages
you want to install support for. This offers a nice one-click shop for
language packs. This, I guess is the same behaviour that Doom/Spacemacs
offers with their layers etc. In Emacs we often have to install
lsp-client, lsp-server, language mode, company, adjust company backends.
It would be nice to have emacs install all of the above automatically
when clicking on Python, JS and such.
Agreed.  Stefan has a proof-of-concept package named `gnu-elpa' that
does exactly this, and it would indeed be nice if Emacs had that.
Hmm... no I don't have something that does exactly that.
It goes a bit in that direction, and I hope it can grow further, but
currently it doesn't do much more than prompt you to install GNU ELPA
packages which you attempt to use their features, so it doesn't prompt
users to install lsp servers or to enable company, ...

I'm not sure it would be right to enable an opinionated behavior like that for all users anyway. After all, LSP servers are not the only company backends that people use, and there are other completion UIs than company.

On the other hand, it would be great to have a short official guide that outlines the easiest way to get the "smarts" that people expect from code editors. One that's preferably closer to the Tutorial in accessibility, rather than the manual.

Posting it on the official website would help as well. This way we would make a pledge, of sorts, that *this* approach is supposed to work for everybody.

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