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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Failures w/ S3 backend

From: Maurizio Vitale
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Failures w/ S3 backend
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 10:37:45 -0400

Haven't had time to investigate much more, but here a few interesting new facts.

        - backup from OpenSuse 11.1, 64 bit, called S (for source)
                - duplicity 0.5.11
                - boto 1.6b
- restore on Ubuntu 8.10, 64 bit running in a vmware VM, called T (for target)
                - duplicity 0.5.10
                - boto 1.6b

        backup on Amazon S3, everything uses the same backup/restore scripts

What works:
        backup on S, restore on S
        backup on T, restore on S
backup on S, restore on T (but not for all backups: my main workspace fails, a smaller directory is ok. Size doesn't seem to matter, though: I tried to reduce the size of (a copy of) the main workspace and it kept failing

        and now the new and interesting thing:
          backup on S (full workspace)
          copy of all files from S to T (using s3cmd)
          restore from the local copy (using file:///path_to_downloaded_files)
        much to my surprise, this works.

Any idea? It seems like the combination of duplicity/boto when run on my vmware machines fail to recognize the files as valid. Possibly they get corrupted while in flight.

My next test will be to go to a physical machine (different from S) and see if I can restore.

Any other suggestions?
Anybody tried to restore on vmware?

On Mar 10, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Maurizio Vitale wrote:

I'm trying to move my backup system to Amazon S3. I have backup and
restore working on the system I'm making backups from (OpenSuse 11.1).

But when I try to restore from anywhere else (a phisical machine running
Ubuntu 8.10 and a number of vmware machines running pretty much
everything, from Ubuntu 8.10 to OpenSuse 11.1 to Debian 5.0) I get stack traces like the following (this is taken on the Ubuntu 8.10 physical machine):

2009-03-09_22:24:37: Starting restore procedure for thor (backup on aws). Restored to /home/mav/restored_backup/
Last full backup date: none
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 482, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 477, in with_tempdir
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 441, in main
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 223, in restore
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 238, in restore_get_patched_rop_iter
    backup_chain = col_stats.get_backup_chain_at_time(time)
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/duplicity/collections.py", line 717, in get_backup_chain_at_time
    raise CollectionsError("No backup chains found")
duplicity.collections.CollectionsError: No backup chains found
2009-03-09_22:24:37: Restore complete

The backup is produced by duplicity 0.5.10. The restores are w/ 0.5.11
(except the one on the system being abcked up, which is 0.5.10).

The boto library vearies w/ the system. I have 1.6b, 1.6a, 1.3a and

Any idea about what to look for?



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