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Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] 2morro festival - free tickets

From: Chris Hilliard
Subject: Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] 2morro festival - free tickets
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:52:43 +0100

I'm interested in going, and would be going from either Manchester or
Wilmslow ticket wise. It looks like an amazing opportunity to learn a
lot and network with other people who are interested in the same kind
of projects.



On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Tim Dobson<address@hidden> wrote:
> Steven Flower wrote:
>> We also realise that trekking down to London can be an expensive process,
>> so substance are also willing to provide day return tickets from Manchester
>> (or elsewhere in the NW if we can) for people - the sooner you can let us
>> know, the quicker we can book tickets!
>> Why are we doing this?  Well, we are partners in 2morro, but also a
>> locally based workers cooperative.  We think people from the NW should have
>> the opportunity to attend and take part.
>> If people are interested, then either contact me or the list and we can
>> take it from there.  Would be best to know of numbers by 25th June ideally
> Who's thinking of going down? I think it sounds awesome to be honest..
> We should probably talk to Steven by tomorrow...
> What are people's thoughts?
> Tim

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