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Re: Tools for harmonic analysis (Riemann style)

From: Klaus Blum
Subject: Re: Tools for harmonic analysis (Riemann style)
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:29:29 -0700 (MST)

Hi everybody, 

Urs Liska-3 wrote
> but I have to some degree lost track of 
> much of the discussion of the last 20 years, and when I actively worked 
> with that kind of written harmonic analysis (while at the 
> Musikhochschule) I didn't have much of a scholarly mind-set. So in fact. 
> I was *not* aware of all this...

at the Musikhochschule Mannheim, we were only taught some basic roman
numeral stuff. IMO, that's a shame. Now being a high school teacher, I know
what I was missing back then. 
OK, enough complaining...  ;-)

I'm happy if that snippet can be useful for other people. Unfortunately,
it's not very user-friendly because all I can handle is ordinary markup
functions with ordinary parameters. 
However, Urs has so often succeeded in finding reasonable interfaces for
stuff like that. If I can help, please let me know. 

I remeber having re-written some of the functions adding a check for empty
string parameters. IIRC that was to prevent different results between pdf
and svg output. So this should be the most recent code that I can offer: 

I'd be glad to help turning that into another OLL module. 


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