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RE: [Axiom-mail] Re: noweb

From: C Y
Subject: RE: [Axiom-mail] Re: noweb
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 20:00:58 -0700 (PDT)

--- "Page, Bill" <address@hidden> wrote:

> But of course this makes some assumptions about the actually user
> interface, i.e. that it will remain something like the current
> command line interface. These issues might be resolved differently
> in a more advanced interface (e.g. a web browser-based user
> interface).

I would recommend that we always keep a working command line interface,
whatever else may become the "default".  The command line is portable
across platforms, represents the least demand in terms of support
libraries, and is usable over even terminal sessions.  A session of
axiom captured with script on unix can be viewed and printed anywhere,
without worry about math fonts, browsers, readers, etc. - I think this
is a good fallback to have in low resource situations.
> I am not sure if we really "don't care", nor that it is "too
> early" to think about this. I believe that Tim Daly's vision
> is that literate programming methodology should be embedded into
> Axiom at a deep level. It is supposed to be the medicine that
> prevents the code rot that has occurred in the Axiom library
> over the last 20- years from happening again over the next
> 20+ years.

I would say that we should distribute the pamphlet files, and alter the
compile command to assume them.  If we don't require pamphlet files
people will not be inclined to create them - I would much prefer that
Axiom itself enforce the need to be literate, at least insofar as is
workable without being overly intrusive.  I think compile assuming a
pamphlet file is a good idea.  We can always provide a less convenient
compile_spad_file command or some such if there proves to be a need.  A
lisp level notangle ability will presumably remove the external
notangle program requirement, and the command can be adjusted

However, irrespective of that, I would say that whatever assumptions
are made now to get us onto the autoconf bandwagon are the ones to go
with.  We have a LOT of work to do to get Axiom to be a literate
program not only technically but in a true sense (e.g. content other
than source code in those literate documents) and there will be time to
hash out those issues.  I have been poking just a little at interp and
the job of understanding and rewriting it is a massive one.  Much more
so than I originally thought (does anybody know what Exposure group
data is for?) and very important for a variety of longer term projects
to be viable.  Eventually I think the interp rewrite will greatly
simplify things in general, but we can't wait for that and for now
whatever gets us moving gets my vote.


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