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Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling

From: Nate Bargmann
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Improved keyboard handling
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 14:51:40 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

* On 2016 04 Jan 14:35 -0600, Ervin Hegedüs wrote:

> just a short info - now I checked my home-desktop (which I use
> for Tlf, near the RIG), and here is the Gnome-terminal - Tlf only
> works the this one.
> Here is the test result as above:
> Gnome-terminal
> ==============
> a      97 0141 0x61
> A      65 0101 0x41
> ^A      1 0001 0x01
> ^[     27 0033 0x1b
> a      97 0141 0x61
> ä     195 0303 0xc3
>       164 0244 0xa4
> Escape delay time is: 25 mS
> Ordinal: 97             Name: a
> Ordinal: 65             Name: A
> Ordinal: 1              Name: ^A
> Ordinal: 225            Name: M-a
> Ordinal: 228            Name: M-d
> As you can see, in showkey cmd, the Alt-a sequence represents as
> different mode - hope this is helpful... :)

It is reporting a bit differently than Xterm although the prefix byte is
the same.  Ewww, yuck! I missed exactly what you were noting earlier.

Solution: Just don't use the right Alt-key.  ;-)

In that terminal what is $TERM set to ($ echo $TERM)?

I know there are some tests in main.c for $TERM and the original
onechar() function takes at least the value of use_xterm into account.
I will need to revisit that.

73, Nate


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