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Re: [Tlf-devel] S&P/RUN mode confusion

From: Ed
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] S&P/RUN mode confusion
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 13:33:28 -0500
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On 12/22/2013 01:10 PM, Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS wrote:


Your missing the message that goes in the above. Move what you have in the ALT_3 and it should now work.

ALT_3=CFM ++5NN-- #

But when I hear a station, and type callsign, on ALT+3 Tlf send
the ALT_3 message ("CFM 5NN SERIAL"), but when I press the enter
to save the QSO, Tlf send my callsign again - and I don't know

As Above.

What I'm missing, and what is the correct way to use the two
modes of Tlf?

Use + to switch between RUN & S&P. In S&P remember the 2nd Enter sends th TU message. Use F2 to repeat your call till the RUN station calls you.

On the previous contest, I only used RUN mode, but CQ_TU_MSG and
S&P_TU_MSG were set up as empty string, and when I type an ENTER
after I typed callsign, Tlf just save the QSO "silent".

That's because the 2 strings were empty. All of this I would imagine has been hard coded by Rein. But it works and works well. But you cannot change the Enter sequence in either RUN or S&P.

I would have copied the template rules file and change only what is needed. I normally do not change the macros or the TU messages.


Don't forget  \  logs the entry quiet with no CW output.

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