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[Tlf-devel] Cwdaemon - not very good solution

From: Martin Kratoska
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Cwdaemon - not very good solution
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 13:37:02 +0200

I suggest to make CWdaemon fully compatible with standard interface used for
TR/CT/NA etc. The CWdaemon should also not limit the future versions of TR.

Pin 14 is now used for mic/sound card switching but all the software above
uses it as the "pullup voltage" source for paddle support. TR uses it also
for SO2R radio switching.

For use with sound card it should be made compatible with SBDVP (assumed
that TLF should use in future versions something like SBDVP with sound
card). SBDVP offers more choices what pin should be used for mic/sound card
switching. I suggest pin 5 which is currently reserved for DVK (please keep
in mind pins 2, 7, 8 and 9 which should be used for band info. I hope also
to find this option in future releases).

>From the TR Log manual:

DB25 pin number Signal
1 STROBE. Goes to emitter of all circuit B transistors.
2 External relay band output bit 0 (see RADIO ONE BAND OUTPUT PORT) or DVK
3 DVK output #1 (positive going pulse - see DVK PORT command).
4 DVK output #2.
5 DVK output #3.
6 DVK output #4.
7 External relay band output bit 1 / DVK output #5
8 External relay band output bit 2 / DVK output #6
9 External relay band output bit 3.
12 DIT paddle contact input. Connect a 10K pullup resistor between this pin
and pin 14.
13 DAH paddle contact input. Connect a 10K pullup resistor between this pin
and pin 14.
14 +5 volts pullup. If you are using the paddle or footswitch inputs,
connect 10K pullup resistors between this pin and the paddle or foot switch
inputs (one resistor per input). Pin 14 can also used for controlling an
external relay to switch between two transmitters. See RELAY CONTROL PORT
for more information.
15 Foot switch input - see FOOT SWITCH PORT for more information.
16 PTT output. Use separate circuit B, goes to 1K resistor.
17 CW output. Use separate circuit B, goes to 1K resistor.
18 GROUND for CW and PTT (connect to radio).
25 GROUND for paddle.

73 Martin, OK1RR
The difference between theory and practice in theory
is less than the difference between theory and practice in practice.

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