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Re: [Tlf-devel] Cwdaemon does not work.

From: Wolf-Ruediger Juergens
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Cwdaemon does not work.
Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 15:46:25 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

Hello Rein,

On Saturday 17 May 2003 13:54, rein couperus PA0RCT wrote:
> I have tested the new version of cwdaemon (beta2) with tlf-0.8.22 (I am
> allowed to walk to the schack again...). With the parallel port both
> versions work fine.

Good to hear that! 

> I noticed that the TUNE function switches the PC sidetone on for the
> duration of the tune operation even if it had been switched off with
> TONE=0...

You are not alone ;-) I observed the same this morning,
its corrected now and I will send a new version soon. 
But would it not be better that the sidetone is always audible during Tune? 
So you can't forget to switch off the TRX in tune mode? 

Some observations for tlf-0.8.22 following:
If I set TONE=0 in logcfg.dat, this makes no effect. Tone is always on after 
start of tlf.
Starting tlf and pressing alt-w shows Speed=20 independent of the real speed 
which is send during startup to the cwdaemon and correct displayed in the 
header line. 
Leave alt-W without changing weighting, set weighting to 0.
But all these points are only cosmetic, no real failures so far.

73 de Wolf, DL2WRJ 
Q:      Why did the programmer call his mother long distance?
A:      Because that was her name.

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