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Re: [sdx-users] [newbie] Programmatic use of SDX...

From: Pierrick Brihaye
Subject: Re: [sdx-users] [newbie] Programmatic use of SDX...
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 11:48:05 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; fr-FR; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113


Remi Vankeisbelck a écrit :

Once again, fully agreed ! But actually we *do have* lots of XML we already know how to manipulate and present to the user...

Without using XSLT as far as I have understood... wow :-)

More precisely, the are through Cocoon's... ComponentManager. Here is what Cocoon does : wherever you see Coccon, replace by MyYetToBeDevelopedApp :

OK, so, please correct me if I'm wrong, but to get SDX features available from a simple Java program (I mean not using HTTP but real API calls) one should simply develop a so called "ComponentManager" (Avalon-compliant I guess),

Easier than this : develop a "root" class and embed a ComponentManager in it.

If you look at :

... you will see that you "just" need 3 methods. Well... it may be slightly more complicated than that :-) See below for more info.

Notice that the link describes a deprecated architecture, SDX' one though... Current design is described there :

... some (more) work for SDX developers I'm afraid :-)

> expose desired methods (I mean business
methods to index, search, etc.) through a given interface, and trigger specific (Avalon again) events when these methods are invoked to get the job done and send back a result to the user ?

Not exactly. You "just" need to "look-up" an SDX Framework component. Then, you have to manage its lifecycle, see :

When your SDX Framework implementation is initialized (phase #6 in the "complete" lifecycle description), you can expect a fully working SDX Framework.

Using it, you should have a full access to SDX functionnalities. It's *your* job to write *your* your bindings but it should be fairly easy (kind of Accessors writing).

OK, I guess I might provide my "CustomComponentManager" there...

A standard (default in Avalon's terminology) should do the trick.

I'll have a look at Avalon I think :-)

Good readings there :-)

Please tell me more about invocation :-)

Use SDX methods : they should definitely work once your framework is set-up.

Test SDX and have a look in the "work" directory of your servlet engine. Notice however that these Java files are not intended to be human-readable...

Arf. I must admit I can't see the "mapping" between the XSP/L and the corresponding Java source :-/

Have a look at the logicsheets and, if possible, at Cocoon's ones, especially the XSP devoted one.

I guess that, just like for JSPs, generated sources are compiled and instanciated by cocoon, which in turn invokes them ( using the 'generate()' method I guess),


and "applies a stylesheet on the generated document" (sorry for my poor XSL vocabulary :-/)

Yes : basically, the Java code is the result of several XSLT transformations of a root logicsheet. XSLT generally generates text and Java code is... text.

Yes, I've noticed access to the applications, etc... I can't figure out how this all works and what it exactly does ( :-) ), but I should be able to go through :-)

Certainly. The root point is the SDX Framework Implementation. From there you can access applications and then excecute some queries, upload/dowload some documents from repositories...

Still, one other question. In fact, the XSP/XSL seems to be used only for the presentation layer according to what you tell me.

No : it's really where resides the application *logic*, i.e. where interactions with the user are defined.

1/ Cocoon receives an HTTP request for the SDX context, with an XSP URL in it (the 'document' to be presented to the end user)

Nope. More complicated (and thus more powerful). A good start point is the "API-URL" (see the docs). You have a *full* access to the server through an HTTP request... within security restrictions set-up by the app's developper of course :-)

2/ SDX locates appropriate XSPGenerator instance, and invokes 'generate' on it : specific SDX tags are handled and then the "framework" is accessed programmatically

That's it.

3/ Cocoon applies the XSL tranform and send back the response to the client browser

This is called "serialization" by Cocoon. A request *should* get a response (even a 404 ;-). Although this is suitable, this step is not mandatory : for example, a *big* upload shouldn't receive a response IMHO because the connection *should* be closed before the upload succeeds.

If yes, shall I get rid of cocoon ?

This looks like it is *your* wish :-)

I'm asking this because I think I've read somewhere in the docs that SDX was internally using XSL for indexing, extracting terms, etc...

XSL is the preferred way but you have a full programmatic access. If it weren't the case, your patchs would be *most* welcome :-)

IMHO the business logic should be encapsulated somewhere you can reuse it the most. In my mind, a "service" is obtained from a program using OO mechanisms.

Better than this : COP :-)

And it definitly is in SDX (applications, repositories, etc.). Then, on the "client" side (the one who requests for the service : me :-) ) when you've got the "API", nothing enforces you to use a given technology (in our case, HTTP transports and XSP/L) whether you need it or not.

Historical reasons : Cocoon 1.x (an thus SDX 1.x) was completely based on HTTP.

In my opinion, the HTTP / XSP/L thing is nothing but a presentation layer on top of a generic indexing and search engine. But nothing should enforce me to use the first while I only need the second...
Do you get my point ?

Absolutely and... I *fully* agree.

Tell your hierachy that nothing is really free on this planet :-)

Gee ! I think they already know that :-)))

Lucky man ! No so obvious here :-)


Pierrick Brihaye, informaticien
Service régional de l'Inventaire
DRAC Bretagne
+33 (0)2 99 29 67 78

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