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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] error while uploading airborne s/w to liza/m

From: Chris
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] error while uploading airborne s/w to liza/m
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 19:08:03 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130623 Thunderbird/17.0.7

Hi Felix.
I get the same responce with Lia, a franken lisam m and a Krooz.
It basically says that the bootloader can't "lock" the usb port and "access denied" or something similar, i will check again later today with a Lisa board i have here somewhere :-D What i remember well is that when doing a lsusb -l much information was missing from the usb port listing and only became visible when executing the same command as root.
Btw with the latest master version i can flash the krooz just fine although
the bootloader says that it founds a Broadcom Corp - HP Integrated Module :-D
Just for your information:

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
cd sw/airborne; make TARGET=ap upload
Using "arch/stm32/krooz.ld" as ldscript for target "ap".
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
Using stm32 mem dfu loader
/usr/bin/python /home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/tools/dfu/ --product=any --addr=0x8004000 /home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/c182_krooz/ap/ap.bin

Could not find STM32 (autopilot) device.
make[1]: *** [upload] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
make: *** [ap.upload] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
cd sw/airborne; make TARGET=ap upload
Using "arch/stm32/krooz.ld" as ldscript for target "ap".
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
Using stm32 mem dfu loader
/usr/bin/python /home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/tools/dfu/ --product=any --addr=0x8004000 /home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/c182_krooz/ap/ap.bin

Using device 008: ID 0483:df11 Broadcom Corp - HP Integrated Module - ?
Programming memory from 0x08004000...
All operations complete!

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
make: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi'

DONE 'make -C /home/hendrix/paparazzi -f AIRCRAFT=c182_krooz ap.upload'

On 07/09/2013 03:47 PM, address@hidden wrote:
Hm... It works fine for my Lisa/M on my 12.04 machine...

Which STM32 based autopilot did you try to flash?
What does it say when you connect it? (manufacturer, product, etc.

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