I want to communicate a Lisa/M with these ESC http://autoquad.org/wiki/wiki/esc32/ through CAN (it has the can controller on the mcu and the layout for a transceiver on the board, but still no code for can communications) and I have been reading through the CAN driver code, and then tried to perform some tests. Is anyone working on CANbus also? Y have tried both the driver on 4.2 branch (i am using this one for flying) and also the one on master branch, but I haven't got proper communications yet (I am using the microchip can bus analyzer for these tests). The CAN bit timing settings are a bit confusing and I'm not really sure what the CAN clock is to calculate the prescaler value and the bit segments. Lisa/M has a 72MHz clock, right?
I would appreciate some tips if someone is also working on CAN with Lisa/M boards,