I've ordered a JETI TU2 for my radio and a modified receiver at the Mikrokopter-Shop. That should work as PPM-receiver out of the box. In the next stage it would be interesting to use the Jeti-telemetry to show data like voltage, wich block in the flightplan and so on in the JETI-Box. That is implemented for the mikrokopter, so it should be possible to create a module for the telemetry.
Am 08.06.2011 13:00 schrieb "Felix Ruess" <
> Christoph,
> do you know the format of the Jeti messages? I would guess it is
> different to Spektrum..
> It would be cool to have parser for Jeti as well, I was thinking about
> upgrading my rc with Jeti 2.4GHz.
> Cheers, Felix
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Eric Parsonage <
address@hidden> wrote:
>> Christoph
>>> So the first question is solved, PPM should work. What remains is the question of the license. Will the shematics (perhaps the eagle-files) be available, like at the old APs, or are the Lisa-APs the beginning of closedsource-only APs in paparazzi? Please don't get me wrong, but this is really important to me for making some strategic descisions and might be for some more guys too.
>> Sorry I have no idea what the licence is, I just sent my first two children in exchange for one.
>> Eric
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