Yes i forgot to do make clean, and i had to do a cvs update -d too.
Everything works well now!
Thank you
>From: AnimTeck <address@hidden>
>Reply-To: address@hidden
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi Center -- RFC
>Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 01:40:45 +0200
>Have you tried to do a "make clean" and "make AIRCRAFT=... clean_ac" before
>compiling ? I also had this problem and doing that solved it.
>Simon Jobin a écrit :
>>Hi Pascal,
>>I tried to install the new paparazzicenter and it failed to compile giving
>>me this error:
>>cd sw/ground_segment/cockpit; make PAPARAZZI_SRC=/home/simon/paparazzi3
>>PAPARAZZ I_HOME=/home/simon/paparazzi3 all
>>OC horizon.ml
>>The files ../../lib/ocaml/latlong.cmi and horizon.cmi
>>make inconsistent assumptions over interface Latlong
>>make[1]: *** [horizon.cmo] Error 2
>>make: *** [cockpit] Error 2
>>I am not able to compile my aircrafts any more, can you help me to fix
>>Thank you
>>Simon (vamudes)
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