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Re: [Otpasswd-talk] GPL and OpenSSL

From: Luke Faraone
Subject: Re: [Otpasswd-talk] GPL and OpenSSL
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 21:29:20 -0800

On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 16:38, Tomasz bla Fortuna <address@hidden> wrote:
Just tell me what to add to the license information (how this
exception should be stated) or if it is easier to just switch to BSD.

http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2004/05/msg00595.html seems to have a pretty solid explanation.

It's cool you're doing Debian package! I use Debian a lot on my servers
but never really done any package for it. I guess 0.4 is kind of old to
be using it, there's a tag in repos 0.5pre1 which I know that was
working and better than 0.4, but is too pretty old currently.

Cool. If you like, I can grab a release from git, but I'd prefer to continue using GPG-signed downloads from Savannah.

By the way, could you generate a manpage for /usr/bin/otpasswd? I tried using help2man, but otpasswd doesn't handle --help or --version.

Luke Faraone

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