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Re: [Otpasswd-talk] GPL and OpenSSL

From: Tomasz bla Fortuna
Subject: Re: [Otpasswd-talk] GPL and OpenSSL
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 01:38:58 +0100

Dnia Sun, 27 Dec 2009 16:21:24 -0800
Luke Faraone <address@hidden> napisaƂ(a):

> Lintian noticed that OTPasswd seems to be linked with OpenSSL. If
> this is accurate, can you extend the license to allow for explicit
> linkage with that lib?
> Here's the error in its entirety:
> E: otpasswd: possible-gpl-code-linked-with-openssl
> N:
> N:    This package appears to be covered by the GNU GPL but depends
> on the N:    OpenSSL libssl package and does not mention a license
> exemption or N:    exception for OpenSSL in its copyright file. The
> GPL (including version
> N:    3) is incompatible with some terms of the OpenSSL license, and
> therefore
> N:    Debian does not allow GPL-licensed code linked with OpenSSL
> libraries N:    unless there is a license exception explicitly
> permitting this.

Sure I can, I'm even open to distribute this under BSD license if
there's need. Strange Savannah didn't noticed it, they're really picky
about licenses.

Just tell me what to add to the license information (how this
exception should be stated) or if it is easier to just switch to BSD.

It's cool you're doing Debian package! I use Debian a lot on my servers
but never really done any package for it. I guess 0.4 is kind of old to
be using it, there's a tag in repos 0.5pre1 which I know that was
working and better than 0.4, but is too pretty old currently. 

I hope to fix latest issues with global db, clean up the code and get
recent with basic documentation in 1/2 weeks, install on few servers,
test that it's working generally and that I haven't messed anything up
and release it as 0.5. I guess that could be published as some early
version which basic functionality should just be working (policy
enforcement might not be finished by then, but I'll add some more
things into the config to make it more compatible with future versions).

Tomasz bla Fortuna
jid: bla(at)af.gliwice.pl
pgp: 0x90746E79 @ pgp.mit.edu
www: http://bla.thera.be

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