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[Mldonkey-users] you heard all this b4, low ID trash :)

From: philippe usenet
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] you heard all this b4, low ID trash :)
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 14:15:37 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030603 Thunderbird/0.1a

Hi guys

This is the lamest mail you'll read today.

Believe it or not this is *another* mail about Low IDs and port nnnn being unreachable.

Man, I have read tons of docs and manuals, I tried *every* single hardware or software method and I'm still being spitted at by the donkey, yelling

"+-- From server [] ------
| ERROR: Your port 4662 is not reachable. You have a LOWID, look ! Please correct your network config"

At me everytime I try to connect. Ppl seem to FIND files on my machine in my shared filesystem, only they can't get it ! They must be FURIOUS, MAD at me ! I'm such a bastard !
The machine (name TRS) is a linux box, MDK 9.1, running MLD Release 2.5-3.
The network is a switched LAN hooked to french ADSL thru an Alcatel router, 
it's sold as a modem only but a telnet hack permits to make it route IP. Now 
one thing is strange, it won't let me setup a default natserver on the router, 
the telnet session hangs at this point... Oh well. Other machines on this LAN 
are just clients, I mean web surfing/IM-wasting-time machines. But I also tried 
to plug TRS directly into the router/modem, making it the only one, and was 
still having this port problem.

My reasoning is as follows : Since I can bloody SURF the web, thus *getting* and (more importantly for that matter) *putting* stuff, my machine *has* the ability to become a proper p2p client/server, if I'm clever enough to OPEN the good doors...
Am I right ?

I tried to use various flavors of iptables, the built-in linux firewall that 
deals with kernel's routing tables. I also tried to use other port numbers.

At one point I had rules like that :

## start core
# ouvrir les bons ports pour le p2p
echo "firewall START"
iptables -X
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4661 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4662 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 4665 -j ACCEPT
echo "firewall INPUT OK"
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4661 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4662 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --destination-port 4665 -j ACCEPT
echo "firewall OUTPUT OK"
echo "firewall OK"
## end core

resulting with "iptables -L" basically saying to me that nothing was blocked at 
this level. I also tried to get RID of this iptables thing. All of this to no avail. I'm 
running MLD as root... It does not seem to help.

I'm open to every suggestion. I'd like a good run-down about opening and 
closing ports on linux, just about that.

The worst may well be the fact that I'm actually managing to *DLoad* stuff ! It 
drives me crazy : I *want* those files badly, but cannot give anything back ! 
Please help me to comply with the basic rules of the EDK network, and if any 
info is needed, please ask.

Oh, and not least, this app rules. The interface is wonderful, very consistent, 
the only bug is the user here ;) bravo et merci !


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