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[Mldonkey-users] Removal of useless options

From: Michael Panteleit
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Removal of useless options
Date: 22 Feb 2003 18:11:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

I looked over the options of the actual mldonkey an found the
following which are questionable:

    overnet_options_version = 1
Is this really used? Couldn't find something in sources.

    new_upload_system = true
Is this still experimental?

    reward_power = 0
Is this really used? Couldn't find something in sources.

    upload_timeout = 1800.000000
    queued_timeout = 1800.000000 
If I understand right, it's how long a socket will be used when there
is no answer. Isn't half an hour too long?

    min_left_sources = 100
    good_sources_threshold = 75
    max_sources_per_file = 200
Are these really used? Couldn't find something in sources.

    max_upload_slots = 75
Shouldn't we fix this to max_hard_upload_rate/3 or something?

    update_server_list = false
Do we need this? Couldn't we just load a server.met every x hours?

    max_connected_servers = 2
IMHO this should be limited to 2, or at least to 10. I read in a forum
a tipp saying one should try 200 to get fast server connects, very

    options_version = 1
Is this really used? Couldn't find something in sources.

    new_print_search = false
What is this for?

    html_mods_vd_last = true
    html_mods_vd_age = true
    html_mods_use_relative_availability = true
    html_mods_human_readable = true
    html_mods = false
Do we need 5 new options for html_mod? Very annoying.

    max_reask_delay = 1800
    min_reask_delay = 720
Shouldn't we fix this in the source? We shouldn't connect more often than every 
10 min.

    tcpip_packet_size = 40
Another options which should be hardcoded?

    strict_bandwidth = true
Another unused option.

    initialized = false
Can't we remove this?

    enable_audiogalaxy = false
Why not remove this?

Any answers or comments?


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