-----Original Message-----
org] On Behalf Of Sirjee Rooplall
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:43 AM
To: Mailing list for lwIP users
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] PBUFS + MEMP + LWIP 1.3.0
Importance: High
Is there a port of 1.3.2 for the ATMEL UC3A0512 device?
If no where can I get the 1.3.2 LWIP stack.
I am using PPP, and at the moment I am trying to track a bug
that causes my
system to crash, and when I stop me debugger it points to the
PPPthreadHandle. The failure seems to occur in the function
The change log, does not show any changes to the PPP code,
so I am just
worried that I am going to waste alot more time to get the
port done and
face the same problems.
I have seen in a website that when physical layer is not
present i.e modem
in my case that the pppThread must be removed.
And that implementation of the thread remove used a function called
sys_arch_thread_remove, which does not appear in the LWIP
1.3.0, sys_arch.c
Is there an example of proper use of the LWIP PPP stack that
I can look at
to get some pointers.
The reason I started looking at the memory, is beacuse
normally these kind
of system crashes is related to memory mismanagement or
messed up pointers.
Please bear with me, as I may ask some question which may
seem dumb, but I
am fairly new to LWIP stack, and I am trying to get my head
around its
The only reason my emails are marked High Priority is because
when I send
emails, I want the server to send them immediately without
any delays, and
it has no relevance to your response time, however I thank
you for you promt
Kind Regards, Sirjee Rooplall Figment Design laboratories
(Pty) Ltd mailto:
address@hidden Mobile: +27 (0)83 230 8466
----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Goldschmidt" <address@hidden>
To: "Mailing list for lwIP users" <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] PBUFS + MEMP + LWIP 1.3.0
> "Sirjee Rooplall" wrote:
>> seen in website:
>> However I cannot see where these difnes will be used in
LWIP port 1.3.0.
> There have been a lot of changes since 1.3.0, one of them
is moving heap
> and memp-pools to user-defined sections. Like others, I'd
suggest moving
> to 1.3.2.
> PS: is there any specific reason you mark your emails as
"high priority"?
> Simon
> --
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