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Re: [lmi] upgrade to xmlwrapp-0.6.0

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] upgrade to xmlwrapp-0.6.0
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 21:45:31 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

On 2009-02-23 16:31Z, Vaclav Slavik wrote:
> I created https://savannah.nongnu.org/patch/index.php?6753 ticket on
> Savannah and attached several patches [...]

BTW, I've tested runtime performance of
 - lmi HEAD with those patches, versus
 - a month-old lmi release without them,
and found no problem. Here are my data:

load a 1296-life census:
  new:  16 sec elapsed, 15 cpu sec, 117000K RAM (186000K max)
  old:  17 sec elapsed, 17 cpu sec, 115000K RAM (185000K max)
run that same census:
  new: 561 sec elapsed,   3:01 cpu,  54000K RAM (772000K max)
  old: 663 sec elapsed,   3:09 cpu,  62000K RAM (659000K max)

That particular census is a rather extreme test because it uses
'mce_month_by_month', so it has to run 1296 cells in parallel,
keeping all of them in (virtual) memory at the same time; but
of course that has nothing to do with xmlwrapp, and the new code
is approximately indistinguishable from (or a little faster than)
the old code. My measurements should be taken with a grain of
salt because I didn't go to the trouble of starting both from an
all-RAM-swapped-out state, but I think they're good enough to
demonstrate that there's no performance issue with the xmlwrapp

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