Do you encounter the same problem if you built the project ortp with CMake ?
To do this:
git clone git://git.linphone.org/ortp
mkdir ortp/work
cd ortp/work
cmake ..
If the CMake build fails, can you try to build with the autotools ?
Best regards,
François Grisez
Software Developer
Belledonne Communications
Le vendredi 11 mars 2016, 22:22:52 CET Sen, Nilanjan a écrit :
I am trying to compile the linphone-desktop source code in Ubuntu 14.04 computer. After executing prepare.py file, I have gotten MakeFile. When I am executing the 'make' command, I am getting the following errors:
/home/....../linphone-desktop/WORK/Build/ortp/src/libortp.so.11: undefined reference to 'clock_nanosleep'
/home/....../linphone-desktop/WORK/Build/ortp/src/libortp.so.11: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime'
I have successfully compiled the same in a different machine with same OS.
Do I need to install some library for that? Please help.
Thanks in advance,