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[Jilc-dev] Current Status

From: Gaurav Vaish
Subject: [Jilc-dev] Current Status
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:50:37 +0530

    The current status is as followed:
    * We've gone through the jvm / il specs.
    * I did some hacking today with Gopal's jdasm. Basically, going through the
minutest details. Found that few properties are not implemented - like
processing byte code for Method, Class and in case of BigConstant. I still have
methods to look into closely.

    Some issues to be handled -
    * I think lot of work will be needed to handle "lock" / "synchronized"
thing. In IL, "lock" causes and System.Monitor object to be created and then
uses try-catch funda to deal with it. I am not quite sure of what exactly
happens in Java. May be Gopal can throw more light on this.

    * There are several opcodes (encapsulated in 2-bytes, ie, unsigned short) in
IL while in java there are less than 256 (1-byte, ie, unsigned char)

Gaurav Vaish

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