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Re: problem with xlswrite

From: grg
Subject: Re: problem with xlswrite
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 06:03:32 -0700 (MST)

PhilipNienhuis wrote
> grg wrote
>> Hi there,
>> I need to report the results of an experiment in an excel worksheet that
>> also contains additional information.
>> I just need to fill in some of the cells in the worksheet and leave this
>> additional information untouched.
>> I'm using the following code:
>> status = xlswrite (fnout, OUT_olci, input_parameters.sheet, "B5:H5");
>> where:
>> fnout is a string containing the name of the output file;
>> OUT_olci is a 1x7 double array
>> input_parameters.sheet is a string containing the name of worksheet 
>> The problem is that, after running my octave code when I open fnout with
>> libreoffice, I find that OUT_olci has been properly written in the
>> correct
>> cells, but all the additional information has been deleted.
> You mean that data is not just added but the worksheet in question has
> been
> wiped first?

Yes the data are written, but the rest of the content of the worksheet is
wiped out. I can tell it's just the content, because this worksheet has some
merged cells and, after my xlswrite command, they remain merged, but empty.

PhilipNienhuis wrote
> Are you sure that the sheet name matches? - it is case-sensitive. Just
> asking ...

I am quite sure, because the file contains multiple worksheets and only the
worksheet I want wo work with is affected (and also because of the merged
cells mentioned above).

PhilipNienhuis wrote
> Some counter-questions:
> - what operating system & version?
> - which Octave version?
> - which spreadsheet interface? 

octave:14> ver
GNU Octave Version: 4.2.1
GNU Octave License: GNU General Public License
Operating System: Linux 4.11.12-100.fc24.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 21 17:35:20
UTC 2017 x86_64
Package Name   | Version | Installation directory
           io *|  2.4.10 | ...../octave/io-2.4.10

I am not sure how to check which spreadsheet interface.

PhilipNienhuis wrote
> The io package contains some test scripts that contain checks on exactly
> this sort of functionality. Just run:
> more off
> test_spsh
> Please report back this info too.

octave:15> test_spsh

Testing .xls interface OCT using file io-test.xlsx...

 1. Initialize arrays.
 2. Insert first empty sheet.
 3. Add data to test sheet.
 4. Add another sheet with just one number in A1.
 5. Explore sheet info.
 6. Read data back.
 7. Tests part 1 (basic I/O):
    ...Numeric array... matches...
    ...Cellstr array... matches...
    ...special characters... matches...
    ...Boolean... recovered...
 8. Repeat reading, now return formulas as text
 9. Tests part 2 (read back formula):
    ...OK, formula recovered ('=c2+d2').
10. Cleaning up..... OK

Testing .ods interface OCT using file io-test.ods...
 1. Initialize arrays.
 2. Insert first empty sheet.
 3. Add data to test sheet.
 4. Add another sheet with just one number in A1.
 5. Explore sheet info.
 6. Read data back.
 7. Tests part 1 (basic I/O):
    ...Numeric array... matches.
    ...Cellstr array... matches...
    ...special characters... matches.
    ...Boolean... recovered.
 8. Repeat reading, now return formulas as text
 9. Tests part 2 (read back as formula):
    (Note: just a check for a string rather than a numerical value)
    ...OK, formula recovered ('=c2+sin(d3)').
10. Cleaning up..... OK

Testing .ods interface OCT using file io-test.gnumeric...
 1. Initialize arrays.
 2. Insert first empty sheet.
 3. Add data to test sheet.
 4. Add another sheet with just one number in A1.
 5. Explore sheet info.
 6. Read data back.
 7. Tests part 1 (basic I/O):
    ...Numeric array... matches.
    ...Cellstr array... matches...
    ...special characters... matches.
    ...Boolean... recovered.
 8. Repeat reading, now return formulas as text
 9. Tests part 2 (read back as formula):
    (Note: just a check for a string rather than a numerical value)
    ...OK, formula recovered ('=c2+sin(d3)').
10. Cleaning up..... OK

Interface:          OCT  OCT  OCT 
File type          xlsx  ods gnumeric 
Numeric array p.1:   +    +    +  
Numeric array p.2:   +    +    +  
Numeric array p.3:   +    +    +  
Numeric array p.4:   +    +    +  
Cellstr array p.1:   +    +    +  
Cellstr array p.2:   +    +    +  
 ...special chars:   +    +    +  
Boolean value    :   +    +    +  
Formula read back:   +    +    +  
  +  = correct result returned
  o  = partly correct (e.g., double rather than logical)
  -  = erroneous or no result.

- End of test_spsh -

Thanks for your fast response

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