Am 03.10.2012 16:28, schrieb asha g:
> Is there some way I can get the variables X y y1 y2 to save as column
> vectors so that I can then use it to plot in xmgrace ?
> Thanks
> AG
Save the transposed vectors:
save -mat -ascii cabunpanumcent2oct4N20testascii X y y1 y2 y
I do the following :
load cabunpanumcent2oct4N20testascii X y y1 y2
X=X', y=y',y1=y1' y2=y2';
save -mat-ascii cabunpanumcent2oct4N20testascii X y y1 y2
I do not get the answer in the column form even though after the line X= X' etc it
does go into column form.
Am I doing something wrong.