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Re: Loading and average PGM files

From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Subject: Re: Loading and average PGM files
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 10:52:38 -0400

On 18 June 2012 09:37, Carnë Draug <address@hidden> wrote:
> I have made this recently, so here's some instructinos how to do it.
> You'll have to download GraphicsMagick source and when running
> configure, use the following options
> ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/.usr --enable-shared --disable-static
> --with-quantum-depth=16

A more Debianish way (and therefore Ubuntuish way, I guess) reusing
the existing .deb packaging goes something like this:

    1) Add a source package location for your existing packages. Edit
    /etc/apt/sources.list and add corresponding deb-src lines for
    every line you see (just copy the deb lines but replace deb with
    deb-src in the copy). This might already be done.

    2) Get the source package for graphicsmagick:

        apt-get source graphicsmagick

    3) Get the build dependencies for graphicsmagick:

        sudo apt-get install build-dep graphicsmagick

    4) Edit debian/rules around where you see the ./configure line and
    add an option for --with-quantum-depth=16.

    4a) Optionally, you might also want to edit debian/changelog with
    a personalised version number and log entry in order to remind you
    later that you built this package yourself. If you do this, follow
    the format of other changelog entries, since the Debian build
    system must parse this changelog.

    5) Build the package. Standing in the graphicsmagick directory
    (one above the debian/ directory), do


    6) Install the resulting .deb files one directory above with the

        sudo dpkg -i foo.deb

    Note that this builds a bunch of .deb files (9 on my system). You
    might not want to install all, but be careful about their
    interdependencies. Personally, I did

        sudo dpkg -i lib*.deb

The advantage of this is that you can reuse the existing .deb
infrastructure to build and track your package. Also, Carnë's
instructions further below are unnecessary, since they pertain to
having two conflicting versions of the graphicsmagick library
installed. Also, if for whatever reason this fails, you can use apt to
revert to the packaged version in Ubuntu's repositories.

Following the same instructions as above, but without modifying
anything in the Octave package, you will also have to rebuild the
Octave package. If you use this PPA as your deb-src to get the source
package, you will be able to rebuild the current 3.6.2 Octave release:

Octave takes a long time to build, so go get yourself a coffee or
equivalent while it does.

If you have any other packages installed that use graphicksmagick,
you'll need to rebuild them too, but this is unlikely. The packages
that depend on graphicsmagick are few and obscure.

Minus the Ubuntu PPA (I built the stable Octave branch from the
developers' Mercurial repository), I have just tested the instructions
above in Debian squeeze (current stable release) and I see that your
file now loads in Octave:

Alternatively, you could just use pgm files with a lower quantum depth.

- Jordi G. H.

> I used quantum-depth 16 but you can use 32 as well if you think that
> you'll need it. I have installed on my home directory so as to not
> mess up other programs that require the Debian package version of
> the library.
> I have added the following to the ~/.profile file:
> if [[ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH != *lib* ]]; then
>  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/usr/lib"
> fi
> if [[ -d "$HOME/bin" && $PATH != *$HOME/bin* ]]; then
>  export PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/usr/local/bin:$HOME/usr/bin:$PATH"
> fi
> if [[ -d "$HOME/usr/lib/pkgconfig" && $PKG_CONFIG_PATH !=
> *$HOME/usr/lib/pkgconfig* ]]; then
>  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/usr/lib/pkgconfig"
> fi
> After this, the following commands should point to files in your
> home directory:
> $ which GraphicsMagick++-config
> $ pkg-config --cflags GraphicsMagick++
> $ pkg-config --libs GraphicsMagick++

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