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Re: Displaying an animation / "movie"

From: Francesco Potorti`
Subject: Re: Displaying an animation / "movie"
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 23:08:12 +0200

>    *) While Ogg provides excellent compression for movies of the real
>       world, it compresses things too much for things such a plots.
>       I've experimented a bit with moving plots in Ogg, and the result
>       really looked like crap.

Hmm, yes.  While the mp4 codecc in ffmpeg does no compression when
called with -sameq, apparently ogg compresses, which is not good for

In fact, mp4 is not adequate for this task, the best thing would be mng,
or even gif, which are easy to produce using 'convert -adjoin', but I
find no player that allows to look at mng or gif frame by frame, which
is what I need.

With mp4 I get a bloated file, but using avidemux I can look at
individual frames using arrows.  The other alternative is to give up
with having a single file and produce a directory of images, looking at
them with gthumb or any image viewer.

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