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Re: [Octave] suggestion?

From: Shai Ayal
Subject: Re: [Octave] suggestion?
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 14:01:15 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031210 Thunderbird/0.5a

Maybe you could use procmail to add the [Octave], not move to a -- I do not know much about procmail, but from a quick look at the man page, you could invoke a shell command on the email matching a certain criteria e.g run the following
## untested
sed /Subject:/Subject: [Octave]/
## untested
on all the files with octave in their To: or CC:

        Hope this helps in some way


Hugo Coolens wrote:

On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Shai Ayal wrote:

How about looking for octave in the To: and CC: fields instead -- I

"To:" is most often of no use as this is the personal address of the
e-mail poster, what's more: some e-mail clients (like pine) don't show
those fields when you look at the index of the inbox, you first have to
select the message to see those fields ...
should think any email client can do this,

I could indeed fiddle with procmail or so but that would move the mails
automatically in the octave-folder, whereas I prefer to see them first in
my inbox to see if there something of immediate interesest, then I select
them and put them in the octave folder

and it would not entail any changes to the list. The list works, why fix it ?

I don't think such a minor change would break it

b.t.w. I saw this system used in the LTspice mailing list and found it a
good idea, but of course you don't have to agree and it's not that
important anyway



p.s. I use the above filter with 100% success, ant it catches all octave mailing lists

Hugo Coolens wrote:

I find this octave-list extremely usefull. May I suggest the
following as an improvement:
Wouldn't it be possible to have the word [Octave] always in the
subject-line, this would make it quite easy to select all your
octave-related messages at once.


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Shai Ayal, Ph.D.
Scientific Project Manager
BioControl Medical (B.C.M.) Ltd.
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