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Re: speeding up Octave development (was: Re: m-code)

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: speeding up Octave development (was: Re: m-code)
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 17:50:56 -0600 (CST)

On  8-Mar-1999, Huaiyu Zhu <address@hidden> wrote:

| There are several ways to separate maintainer email from general
| questions.  Some projects use two-tier or three-tier systems.
| May be this will work?
| Core: the interpreter.
| Distrib: m-files that go with official distribution.
| Contrib: m-files that are available on ftp sites.
| Now split the list into
| help-octave
| devel-octave
| so that questions about contributed m-files are only answered on the
| devel list.  Contrib files can be incorporated in distrib as JWE sees fit.
| There can be Cathedral and Baazar at the same time. :-)

There is already an octave-maintainers mailing list, which I presume
serves the same purpose as a devel-octave list would.

Contributed files that are posted to the octave-sources mailing list
or sent directly to me are already included as I have time and as I
see fit.

So, I don't see how these suggestions would actually change anything,
except for the name of the octave-maintainers mailing list.


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