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Re: pr-mail and gnatsd MLPR?

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: pr-mail and gnatsd MLPR?
Date: 28 Oct 2001 20:36:26 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

>>>>> "NB" == Nick Bower <address@hidden> writes:

    NB> i couldn't get pr-mail to work in an external reminder script,
    NB> then found that it used a gnatsd command called MLPR.  i can't
    NB> find this anywhere in the cvs source or docs (even though it is
    NB> in the changelog).  is this an upcoming feature?

MLPR was a gnatsd command in GNATS c3, it's no longer present in GNATS 4.
I don't know what's pr-mail but whatever it is, it needs to be updated
for GNATS 4.


Milan Zamazal

If we are going to start removing packages because of the quality of the
software, wonderful.  I move to remove all traces of the travesty of editors,
vi, from Debian, since obviously as editors they are less than alpha quality
software.                                   -- Manoj Srivastava in debian-devel

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