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Re: Concerns/questions around Software Heritage Archive

From: paul
Subject: Re: Concerns/questions around Software Heritage Archive
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 12:53:54 +0100
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Hi all ,

thank you MSavoritias for bringing up points that many of us share. It's clearly a tradeoff what to do about the past. For the future, as Christpher already stated, we need a serious solution that we can uphold as a free software project that does not alienate users or contributors.

My opinion is that names are just wrong to be included, not only because of deadnames, but in general having a database with a column first_name and a column second_name is something only a 35 yrs old white cis boy could have thought was a good idea to model the spectrum of names humans use all over the world:

If we'd really need to identify contributors, and obviously Guix doesn't, we could use an UUID/machine readable identifier which can then be mapped to a displayed name. I believe git can already be configured to do so.


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