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Fw: Re: Concerns/questions around Software Heritage Archive

From: Ryan Prior
Subject: Fw: Re: Concerns/questions around Software Heritage Archive
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 23:40:13 +0000

[I intended to CC the following to guix-devel but forgot:]

------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Ryan Prior <>
Date: On Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Concerns/questions around Software Heritage Archive
To: Vivien Kraus <>

> On Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at 6:13 PM, Vivien Kraus 
> wrote:
> > 2. is more difficult, because Guix contributors sometimes change their
> > names too, and a commit reading “update my name” is not the best
> > solution. If I understand correctly, rewriting the history would be
> > understood as a “downgrade attack”, contrary to the ftfy case where the
> > developer could rewrite the history without such consequences. Is my
> > understanding correct?
> It's only a problem IMO because we make the decision to treat Guix as an 
> append-only series of commits and treat any other outcome as a potential 
> attack. One alternate solution would be to allow provision of an 
> authenticated alternate-history data structure, which indicates a set of (old 
> commit hash, new commit hash) tuples going back to the first rewritten commit 
> in the history, and the whole thing would be signed by a Guix committer. That 
> way, the updating Guix client can rewind history, apply the new commit(s), 
> verify that the old chain and new chain match what's provided in the 
> alternate-history structure & that its signature is valid. Thus verified, the 
> Guix installation could continue without needing to allow a downgrade 
> exception.
> Perhaps there are much better ways of handling this, but I propose it in 
> hopes of clarifying that there are technical solutions which preserve 
> integrity while permitting history rewrites in situations where it is 
> desirable.
> I have requested previously that some commits I've provided be rewritten to 
> update my name. In my case, it's because I've sometimes misconfigured my 
> email software such that some commits by me are signed just "ryan" or "Ryan 
> Prior via Protonmail" or similar, rather than my preference which is "Ryan 
> Prior".
> In my case this causes me no harm and is simply an annoyance, so when I 
> encountered resistance to rewriting the offending commits, I dropped the 
> matter, and I still consider it dropped and settled. Even if we developed the 
> capability to securely present a rewritten history, I wouldn't demand that 
> such be used to address small concerns like mine.
> However, I know we have at least two trans Guix contributors. Do they have 
> any commits with their deadnames on them? Not that this is an invitation to 
> go look; they can tell us if this is a concern worth raising. I include the 
> detail to clarify that this is not a distant concern. Perhaps they have been 
> silent thus far for the same reason that I have, because the policy against 
> rewrites presents too high a barrier? (Or it may not bother them, or maybe 
> they used their initials which are the same etc?) In any case I think it 
> would be courteous to develop a procedure by which we could remove deadnames 
> from old commits, or otherwise remove harmful information from Guix's 
> development history, should this become a necessity.
> Ryan

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