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Update to bug 54919 gone missing

From: Brian Cully
Subject: Update to bug 54919 gone missing
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2022 07:36:52 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 29.0.50

        I sent an email to to update it with more
specific information almost two days ago and I haven’t seen any changes
in . I also never got a bounce or
other return communication saying what has happened; it’s as if my email
were silently sent to the bit bucket.

        Is there more to the procedure than sending an email to the
address at the bottom of the ticket?

        For the record, since it’s apparently lost: I tracked the issue
down to this line in my home.scm:

(service home-shepherd-service-type (home-shepherd-configuration))

        When I comment that out, everything runs correctly. It seems as
though the addition of this empty configuration caused the ’herd’
process to try to communicate with the shepherd process, and even though
it was able to connect, it never got a response to the version query.

        There were more details in the lost bug report, but the above is
the gist of it.


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