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Thank you for participating in the Guix Day!

From: Julien Lepiller
Subject: Thank you for participating in the Guix Day!
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 03:00:56 +0100

Hi Guixers!

Thank you for your participation to the Guix Days on this November 22nd.
We were around 60 people at all time, for a total of over 80 people
during the day.  We hope to see you again soon on IRC or the mailing

Warm thanks to the presenters who did wonders in a very short
timeframe, as well as to our moderators. :-)

The day was really rich for us.  Fruitful discussions happened and it is
always amazing to see the diversity in action.  Hope that you enjoyed!

Since this is the first time we tried to organize an online event,
we know that some things were good, others were bad, and maybe even a
couple were ugly for you.  We want to hear from you.  What did you
enjoy, what should be avoided, what could be improved for next time?

Feel free to pragmatically dream and help us sketch the next event!

You might think of this event as a `--dry-run', and we think it was
very successful.  Let's prepare the `--rounds=2'. ;-)

If any of you have taken some notes during the event, it would be nice
to summarize the discussions that happened in a blog post (and in

Please drop us an email to  If you are shy, send it
to, a private alias reaching only the organizers of
the event (Julien Lepiller (roptat) and Simon Tournier (zimoun)) and the

We'd like to address a special thanks to Fosshost, for hosting the
BigBlueButton instance.  It worked amazingly well!

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