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Re: Adding a %desktop-packages

From: Jan
Subject: Re: Adding a %desktop-packages
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2020 00:03:52 +0200

>This is slightly unrelated, but your email reminded me.
>How about we add a %desktop-packages variable?  I remember reading a
>report about possibly ungoogled-chromium or some package not working
>properly, because the user did not install a font.  Perhaps if people
>are using a %desktop, there should be some %desktop-packages that most
>users will want installed by default.  Packages would include a web
>browser, one system font, etc.
>Joshua Branson Sent from Emacs and Gnus
>P.S. I am subscribed to Guix-devel, please just respond via To:
>address@hidden.  Thanks

Sounds good for me.
As a new user I found it annoying Icecat doesn't work by default.
IMO dejavu font should be an input of icecat or should be shipped with
the new %desktop-packages variable. Guix packages should just work out
of the box without the need for user to have any technical knowledge,
by doing so it can gain wider audience and popularity.

Jan Wielkiewicz

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