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Re: eqn formatting issues with grops and gropdf

From: joerg van den hoff
Subject: Re: eqn formatting issues with grops and gropdf
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 09:49:01 +0200
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hi deri,

thanks a lot for bothering. have read and understood everything. this is all 
and mostly was unknown to me so far. I also tried out your manual slanting 
for grops with S font. this is all good and well so far :).

however, I presume that there really remains some bug to be found in grops or 
in the
way the installation/configuration of groff is done.

I have modified the example script integrating your suggestion re slanting for easier comparisons. if you copy+paste it to, say, "tt.trf" run it once with

groff -U -Rtep -ms -Tpdf tt.trf

and once with

groff -U -Rtep -ms -Tps tt.trf

to compare:
.nr PS 14
.nr VS 17
.special S
Requesting .special S with \*[.T] device
.EQ (1)
alpha beta gamma delta rho sigma 1 over 2
.special SS
Requesting .special SS with \*[.T] device
.if '\*[.T]'ps' (which is broken: wrong interglyph space, messed up position of dividing line in 1/2 ratio, seemingly glyphs from S) .if '\*[.T]'pdf' (which is not supposed to be done and looks a bit as if gropdf slants (and messes up) the alredy slanted symobls from SS again?)
.EQ (2)
alpha beta gamma delta rho sigma 1 over 2
.de pdf:SS
.    char \\$1 \\S'16'\\$1\\S'0'\^
.pdf:SS \[+h]
.pdf:SS \[ts]
.pdf:SS \[*a]
.pdf:SS \[*b]
.pdf:SS \[*x]
.pdf:SS \[*d]
.pdf:SS \[*e]
.pdf:SS \[*f]
.pdf:SS \[*g]
.pdf:SS \[*y]
.pdf:SS \[*i]
.pdf:SS \[+f]
.pdf:SS \[*k]
.pdf:SS \[*l]
.pdf:SS \[*m]
.pdf:SS \[*n]
.pdf:SS \[*o]
.pdf:SS \[*p]
.pdf:SS \[*h]
.pdf:SS \[*r]
.pdf:SS \[*s]
.pdf:SS \[*t]
.pdf:SS \[*u]
.pdf:SS \[+p]
.pdf:SS \[*w]
.pdf:SS \[*c]
.pdf:SS \[*q]
.pdf:SS \[*z]
.if '\*[.T]'ps' \{\
.special S
Requesting .special S with \*[.T] device and explicit slanting (deri 
chuzzlewit, mailing list). this
looks similar to what gropdf produces but intentionally adds 1/12 em space 
between glyphs.
.EQ (3)
alpha beta gamma delta rho sigma 1 over 2
the result you should see is anticipated in the included text ;).

bottom line: there remain 2 issues (or 1 real one):

gropdf can be forced to use SS in which case it "super-slants" the glyphs and uglifies them in other ways (see the delta glyph especially ...). I understand that this (using SS with gropdf) seemingly is not supposed to be done but I've read your mail in such a way that it simply would not work at all? in any case this is probably irrelevant and ultimately maybe even a non-issue since not supposed to work anyway?

grops definitely does something wrong to the equations when using SS (which 
seemingly is the
default in my groff installation: I definitely did not touch DESC previously). 
the problem
seems threefold:

   a) using unslanted S glyphs anyway (or undoing the slanting in SS or 

   b) using the italics correction or probably the full glyph width/height etc. 
      nonetheless (it seems). in any case wrong positioning/spacing info is 

   c) somehow confusing eqn's subsequent positioning of the 1/2 ratio in the 
example. I
      presume it is mostly the dividing line that gets pushed "downstream", but 
the digits
      also seem to be too far to the right. why this happens even in the 
presence of mis-positioning
      the preceding greek letters I do not understand at all: I would 
understand the the 1/2 ratio
      consequently also ends up at a wrong horizontal position as a whole but I 
do not understand
      at all why the 1/2 is intrinsically mis-aligned (digits vs. dividing 

if grops *is* supposed to support/work with SS, than the observed behaviour is 
a real bug, no?

thanks again and best wishes,


On 26.07.22 22:44, Deri wrote:
I have managed to rescue my second message which was truncated!!

On Tuesday, 26 July 2022 17:19:04 BST Deri wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 July 2022 09:00:25 BST joerg van den hoff wrote:
me again with an update/correction to the previous description of the
(the described problem remains, though):

regarding the symobl fonts used by grops and gropdf I previously stated
former were using SS (symbols slanted) and the latter S (symbols) which I
presumed according to the looks of the greek letters in the ps output
(upright) and pdf output (slanted to the right like italics). this was
*wrong*. looking into the font information in the formatted files it was
the other way around (grops was using SS and gropdf using S).

looking into the DESC files, I do find indeed entries

grops:  fonts 9 0 0 0 0 0 SS S ZD ZDR
gropdf: fonts 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 S ZD ZDR

which explains the font selection that occurred. I do not understand,
however, while this ultimately lead to _slanted_ glyphs with gropdf and
_upright_ glyphs with grops (exactly the other way around as I would have
expected for S vs SS).

forcing grops to also use S (by editing the DESC file and removing SS from
the entry) leads to sane ps and pdf output with both devices (no
misalignment and strange irregular widths of the greek letters). so this
would be the quick patch to "repair" grops: change the DESC file.

using now the same font S, the glyphs produced by grops are upright
(expected) and those produced by gropdf are slanted (unexpected). why is

the main observation remains unaltered: in standard setup grops uses SS
typesetting greek letters since SS is found before S according to DESC and
this leads to rather massive typesetting errors in equations using
many greek letters: cumulative mispositioning of stuff later on the same

what do to about this?

thank you

Hi Joerg,

You are correct that gropdf does not include the SS font. The reason is
because it is not a proper font, it is instead a postscript program, which,
when run by a postscript interpreter such as ghostscript or a postscript
printer, generates a slanted version of the symbol font. This is not valid
as a pdf font.

The SS font and the S font both define *a but only S defines *A so when they
are both loaded with .special SS S the lower case is found in SS but
uppercase in S. Since gropdf does not have SS *a is found in S and a
special command is sent to gropdf "x Slant 16" which tells it to slant the
glyph by 16 degrees.

If you type:-

echo "\[*a]" | groff -Z

You will see:-

x T ps
x res 72000 1 1
x init
x font 11 S
n12000 0
x trailer
x stop

But if you type:-

echo "\[*a]" | groff -Tpdf -Z

It changes to:-

x T pdf
x res 72000 1 1
x init
x font 11 S
x Slant 16

This is a bit of a disappointment, 80% of my email is missing, my fault I'm
sure. So this will be the short version!

The reason the pdf version slants the S characters when outputting lowercase
greek is because of this code in pdf.tmac:-

.de pdf:SS
.    char \\$1 \\S'16'\\$1\\S'0'
.pdf:SS \[+h]
.pdf:SS \[ts]
.pdf:SS \[*a]
.pdf:SS \[*b]

Which slants each character when you use it. The reason grops outputs
lowercase greek is because it searches in SS before S which has definitions
for lowercase but not uppercase. The S font has definitions for both cases, so
when you prevent grops from using SS you end up with non-italicised glyphs.

Now to look at why the character spacing is different. Italic fonts have extra
metrics which determine how much space to add for italic correction (space to
add when italic and normal characters are directly adjacent). SS has these
extra metrics, S does not. You tell groff to add this space by placing \, or
\/ between the two characters. When eqn is processing your equation it
encapsulates each greek character with these escapes. Which causes the extra
space to appear. I suspect it does this because usually these greek characters
appear on their own in formula, rather than a group together.

So the solution, if you want the slanted characters you see from gropdf, but
using grops. Is to prevent grops using SS, as you have done, and include the
code you find in pdf.tmac, which slants the characters, into your own file.
The "x Slant" command is understood by grops as well as gropdf so it should

Here's your test file.

.\"groff -e -ms tt.trf >         -- broken output (output from ps2pdf, too, of course)
.\"groff -e -ms -Tpdf tt.trf > tt2.pdf  -- looks good.
.\" Use S only not SS (don't have to modify DESC)
.special S
.de pdf:SS
.    char \\$1 \\S'16'\\$1\\S'0'\^
.pdf:SS \[+h]
.pdf:SS \[ts]
.pdf:SS \[*a]
.pdf:SS \[*b]
.pdf:SS \[*x]
.pdf:SS \[*d]
.pdf:SS \[*e]
.pdf:SS \[*f]
.pdf:SS \[*g]
.pdf:SS \[*y]
.pdf:SS \[*i]
.pdf:SS \[+f]
.pdf:SS \[*k]
.pdf:SS \[*l]
.pdf:SS \[*m]
.pdf:SS \[*n]
.pdf:SS \[*o]
.pdf:SS \[*p]
.pdf:SS \[*h]
.pdf:SS \[*r]
.pdf:SS \[*s]
.pdf:SS \[*t]
.pdf:SS \[*u]
.pdf:SS \[+p]
.pdf:SS \[*w]
.pdf:SS \[*c]
.pdf:SS \[*q]
.pdf:SS \[*z]
.EQ (1)
alpha beta gamma delta rho sigma 1 over 2
.EQ (2)
a b c d r s 1 over 2

I have added a tiny amount of space between the characters. If you don't like,
remove the \^ from line 9.



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