Which U-BLOX?
I have found USB GPS units based on the the U-BLOX 7 to be common & reliable (although U-BLOX seem to regard it as obsoloete), some Windows driver issues in the past, seem better now, but great on Linux. VK-162 & VK-172 units (VK-162 often called "G-Mouse"). Generally about 5m horizontal drift, but occasionally up to 25m variation.
Harder to find, but you can track them down are Venus 8 chipset GPS units. My testing of these has shown generally 2-3m drift and rarely over 10.
Also pervasive are the SiRF Star units, but I've found all these (so far III & IV) to be slower to fix & more drift than the U-BLOX 7, and more prone to just dying after a year or two.
Brent Wood