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Re: [GNUnet-developers] New and Github

From: Florian Dold
Subject: Re: [GNUnet-developers] New and Github
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 18:46:29 +0200
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On 08/01/2018 06:23 PM, Nils Gillmann wrote:
> I just responded to an off-list message from Christian with an example of
> someone I study with. I think they are younger than I am, and have some
> but not too much experience with Free Software. Not a complete beginner.
> I had to point them to the README file as a first step. Let just sink that
> in for a moment. So before we take anything for granted we should try to
> step down from our years and decades of experience. cgit is not "that easy"
> for everyone. But finding a good adjustment or replacement where everyone
> gets happy is also difficult. It is user experience. Onboarding. Maybe
> instead of directly exposing the cgit first, we could have an
> intermediate page with details, readme, URLs.

I agree that having an onboarding document would be really good to have.
 I sent out a small onboarding guideline for my Taler GSoC students with
links for more advanced topics (generating ssh keys and signing commits
with GPG), and I think it helped a lot.  We should have something like
this for GNUnet as well.

But I'd rather have this document guide people to the "right" way of
doing things than lower entry barriers by relying on or accommodating
for proprietary platforms.

- Florian

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