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Re: add a button "add a project"

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: add a button "add a project"
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 04:00:34 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

I have removed the  "Place for your module"  in the menu.
It was too prominent and it did not link to something.

I personally consider the added text at the home page is enough.

  "Other modules could be developed. Send an email with
   your proposal to the gnuherds-app-dev email list. 

I personally think we should not add a prominent button to raise any thing. 
Else we could end up with a webapp filled with prominent buttons.

Let the list know any disagreement, improvement, etc.


> Antenore Gatta wrote:
> > We always speak that everybody could be able to add a new tool, but this
> > it's not clear from our home page (Not so clear also in the rest of the
> > site...).
> >
> > What about to add a button "add a project", with a form to describe and
> > request to add a project?
> >
> > In this way we can attract other people that are developing their own
> > tools.
> Proposal:
>     Instead of overload the webapp with new pages, we
>     could just expose that they can send and email to
>     gnuherds-app-dev with the proposal.
> Rationale:
>     It if it is possible we must keep the site the
>     more simple possible to make it easier the work
>     of translators, developers, etc.
> I have added:
>   "Place for your module" in the menu, and
>   "Send an email with your proposal to address@hidden"
>   in the home page.
> Let me now any improvement, change, ask for removal, etc.

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