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Re: [Fsfe-uk] AFFS still active?

From: J.R Seago
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] AFFS still active?
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:33:36 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.9.4

On Friday 26 January 2007 14:37, Alex Hudson <address@hidden> wrote:
> ...I think the voluntary sector take-up of free software has been pretty 
> awful. 

One problem both individuals and organisations face is that of training. Our 
local branch of the WEA used to run computer for beginners and or the 
unemployed, and of course they taught the 'industry standard' Microsoft.

What the voluntary sector, and me, needs is a source of training  at a 
reasonable price/free. I am afraid that this is not a very glamourous side 
of free software advocacy, but it must be recognised that a perception 'of 
it might be free but we don't know how to use it', is one view that slows 
down take up.

I recently gave one of our neighbours my cast off computer, try as I might I 
could not persuade her that the the switch over to GNU/Linux would be just 
as easy as using 'Windows', or that it could interact with 'Windows' 
via 'Open Office', so someone else installed 'Windows' for her, I know not 
where it originated.
J.R. Seago
GNU/Linux Registered User No. #219566   http://counter.li.org/
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