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Re: fontsets (was: [possible patch] Basic fontspec code for LuaLaTeX and

From: Timothy
Subject: Re: fontsets (was: [possible patch] Basic fontspec code for LuaLaTeX and XelaTeX (was "LaTeX export: when is it more useful..."))
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:45:57 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.5; emacs 28.1.50

Hi Juan,

> When you talk about fontset, I understand that you mean lists of
> families with their options that you have previously defined, is that
> right?

Yep, so in my config’s implementation I have an alist of fontset names and
individual fonts. For something part of org-mode itself, we’d probably want to
add a format level to this, something like:

│ ((fontset-name .
│   ((serif .
│     ((pdflatex . "\\usepackage{myserif}")
│      (lualatex . "etc.")
│      (html . "and so on")))
│    (sans ...) ... ))
│ (another-fontset ...) ...)

Actually, now that I think of it maybe it would be better to seperate out the
fontsets and fots, e.g.

│ ;; Fonts
│ ((myfonta . ((pdflatex . "etc.") (lualatex ...) (html ...) ...))
│  (myfontb ...)
│  ...)
│ ;; Fontsets
│ ((myfontset .
│   ((sans . myfonta)
│    (serif . myfontb)
│    (mono . myfontc)
│    ...))
│  ...)

> In any case, I think it would also be nice if the user could add only
> one family for roman, sans, mono or math, if he/she prefers it that way.
> Something like:
> #+options: rmfont:Minion Pro

Sure. There’s another bit of functionality in my config which I think is worth
noting, you can add a -sans/-serif/-mono suffix to the fontset name to override
the default body text font.

All the best,

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