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Re: [O] Lentic.0.6 and org mode

From: Phillip Lord
Subject: Re: [O] Lentic.0.6 and org mode
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:11:21 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

<address@hidden> writes:

> Thierry Banel <address@hidden> writes:
>> Nice!
> I also tried it and found it really interesting!

Thank you.

>> I spent some time figuring out how to use it.
>> This is what I did eventually:
>>   M-xlentic-mode
>>   M-xlentic-mode   ;; twice
>>   M-x lentic-mode-split-window-below
>> Then change the new buffer to the desired mode (Java mode, C++ mode,
>> whatever).
>> (I was created in fundamental mode).
>> Is this the standard way to use it?
> I also scratched my head before figuring anything out.
> I installed from Melpa, and the Melpa Lentic comes with 0 docs, which is sad.

What sort of docs are you looking for? Info?

> Then I cloned the github repo, and tried the examples, and got a bit
> more enlightened.
> To summarize, it would be nice if Lentic came with some form of docs in
> the Melpa repo. 

Of course, even when installed from Melpa it is self-documenting in the
sense that the source files are full of documentation. The lentic-org.el
file contains a description of how to convert an existing file from
being an normal el file to an "orgel" file (which is the name I have
given to an el file that converts cleanly to an org file with lentic).

I could translate these to info (via org-mode and texinfo). But melpa
presents a challenge here, since it works on the source only, and I need
to generate the texinfo from the source, at least as far as I know. So,
unless, I can get MELPA to run arbitrary lisp during build, I do not
know how this would work. Or I could denormalise my git repo and
put the generated files in there; not ideal.

> Or, why not install it en Elpa?

It depends on dash.el which is not on ELPA. It's not that dependent on
dash, though, so I could write dash.el out if I really needed to, but I
am hoping that dash gets into ELPA before I reach 1.0.

> BTW my interest in Lentic comes from that I recently started using
> Litterate programming for my emacs init file (which works very well)
> and also for some clojure/overtone code, where the literate paradigm is
> pretty useful (because overtone is a music live coding environment)

This was fairly similar to my driving use case, to be honest, where I am
combining a Clojure based ontology development environment with
documentation. I mentioned it to Sam Aaron last time I saw him, as I
think he uses org-mode performance notes. I can't remember whether I had
org-mode integration at that point, and it was slower then. I should
ping him again.


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