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Re: [O] Moving my init.el to Org

From: Brady Trainor
Subject: Re: [O] Moving my init.el to Org
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:24:12 -0700
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On 8/31/2014 1:37 AM, Marcin Borkowski wrote:

I know that I could use org-babel-load-file, or outshine.  What are
other possibilities?  What are the caveats (and advantages) of both
(other?) ways?

Another pro for `outshine`, I've made a folding expression for Vim that respects `outshine` behavior, as far as I use it.

augroup filetype_lisp
    au FileType lisp setlocal foldmethod=expr foldexpr=ELispLevel()
augroup END

function! ELispLevel()
    let n = len(matchstr(getline(v:lnum), '^;\+'))
    let l = n - 2
    if n >= 3
        return ">" . l
        return "="

From Vim, typing `:help fold-expr RET` will give a clue as to the ">" and "=" expressions.

I tried the init.org for a while, it was fun so you should try it for a while, but I've been trying to reduce how many conversions I have in my projects. And I finally succumbed to the convention of breaking some parts of my init file into parts (nav, org, etc). Trying to keep my init files easy to drop-in and understand was a factor, as I'm always trying to convert people to Emacs and org-mode (success zero so far). And troubleshooting may be considered easier.

More specifically, consider that if you try to convert someone to Emacs and org-mode via an init.org file, they will have to deal with three new problems at once.

1. The order of loading org, babel, and the .org file, and any possible issues with old versions of org builtin to Emacs 2. As you show them the emacs-lisp, they may get distracted by all the #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp etc., wondering simultaneously how everything fits together
3. Learning org-mode and .emacs in an intertwined way


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